Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Reconciling in Christ

Oregon Synod

We are all children of God who have come together to worship in this place. We bring different sensibilities, and different gifts. Some of us have found the things we thought were advantages weren’t and our disadvantages hid great gifts. Some of us have been Christians since we were in our cradles, others of us are later arrivals. Some of us have left previous churches because we did not feel welcome but we are willing to try again.

We welcome all people, all ages, all gender expressions and identities, all races and ethnicities, all economic situations, all physical and mental abilities, all sexual identities, and marital status into all aspects of congregational life and leadership. We come as we are.

We are not whole unless everyone who wants to worship with us can do so freely. We hope we can all join in this journey. We have all fallen short and we will love each other anyway. 


1290 Thompson Rd.
Coos Bay, OR 97420

Phone: (541) 267-2347 


Office Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

9:00 AM - 4 PM

Friday 9:00 am - 2:00 PM

Closed Wednesday.

Worship Schedule:

Sundays at 10:00 AM

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